This is the healthiest vegetable in the world

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Healthy eating is not easy. Luckily, studies give us an overview of what we should focus on—including vegetables. In one study, scientist Jennifer Di Noia compared different foods and their nutrients.
The healthiest vegetables in the world
According to this study, only one vegetable achieves the recommended daily intake of 17 essential nutrients with just 100 calories: watercress. This rather unknown green vegetable scores with its spicy taste and incredible nutrient density. A small portion covers the daily dose of the most important vitamins and minerals—with minimal calories. Watercress goes perfectly in salads, with eggs or potatoes.

This is the healthiest vegetable in the world
Swiss chard and Chinese cabbage are the next healthiest foods. Chinese cabbage impresses with its lightness and is particularly rich in vitamin C—100 grams already cover a quarter of the daily requirement. Swiss chard, like spinach, is a green superfood that is healthy and versatile. Other top green performers in the study are beet leaves, chicory, leaf lettuce, and parsley. Overall, the study shows that green vegetables are among the most nutritious foods in the world.

The healthiest fruit
The result is also surprising when it comes to fruit: the lemon comes in 28th place, making it the healthiest fruit. Despite its low position in the overall ranking, it stands out with its high vitamin C content. Another interesting result: strawberries are the 30th healthiest food. Although they consist of 90 percent water, they provide a lot of vitamin C and are extremely low in calories. Just a handful is enough to cover the daily requirement of vitamin C. Other types of fruit, such as apples, blueberries, and bananas, are also healthy but did not score quite as well due to the study’s strict criteria.
Overall, the study shows that green vegetables, in particular, are true nutritional wonders. So, if you are looking for a balanced and healthy diet, you should focus on vegetables and green leafy vegetables.

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